
How To Sell Your Home When Inventory Is High


Striving to sell in 2024? Whether you’re looking to list as soon as the ball drops or planning to wait until the spring market is in full bloom, our job is to give you the knowledge you need now to navigate your upcoming sale smoothly when the time comes.

And while we don’t have a crystal ball, one type of market it’s wise to prepare for today is one in which your home is pitted against countless others. Of course, selling a home in the midst of heightened competition can be challenging, but with the right strategies and team to guide you, you can increase your chances of success. Keep reading to unlock our guide to selling your home whenever inventory is high!

Looking to buy when inventory is low? We’ve got you covered there, too.

#1 Price Competitively: This might sound like a no-brainer, but it’s worth repeating: Before listing, it’s critical that you research comparable homes in your area in order to set a competitive price. If your home is priced too high, it may be overlooked in favor of more attractively priced properties!

#2 Enhance Curb Appeal: When it comes to something as important as selling your house, first impressions matter like never before. That’s why it pays to enhance your home’s curb appeal by maintaining the lawn, landscaping, and exterior. You may even consider adding a fresh coat of paint or updating the front door to make the property more inviting.

#3 Stage For Success: Staging is the key to helping potential buyers envision their lives unfolding against the backdrop of your home. Our advice? Clear out clutter, depersonalize, and arrange furniture to highlight the best features of each room. When you work with us, you’ll have access to our top-tier staging consultants, too.

With the right knowledge in your back pocket, you can enjoy a great sale in any market! Check out these blogs to learn more.

#4 Capture Professional Photos: In a world dominated by tech, high-quality photos are essential in order to frame your listing in the perfect light. And since most consumers today start their search online, professionally captured photos can help your home stand out — and stop prospective buyers from scrolling on.

#5 Highlight Unique Features: Stories sell, and at The Jenn Smira Team, we’re adept at creating unique marketing campaigns centered around the story of your home. Whether it’s a special architectural detail, a well-designed outdoor space, or energy-efficient upgrades, we can create a compelling package highlighting every standout feature that buyers are hoping to find.

#6 Adopt A Flexible Showing Schedule: It’s simple: The more available your home is for showings, the more potential buyers you’ll attract. The lesson to be learned here? Try your best to be accommodating with showing times, and consider offering virtual tours for added convenience.

#7 Implement An Effective Marketing Strategy: Work with an agent who will list your property on multiple online platforms, harness the power of social media, and incorporate effective advertising. These days, it doesn’t cut it to simply put a sign on your lawn and hope for the best!

#8 Negotiate Wisely: Be open to the idea of negotiation and working with potential buyers to find a solution that’s right for everyone. If your home’s been on the market for a while, you might consider adjusting the price or offering incentives to entice serious buyers.

#9 Keep Your Home Well-Maintained: A well-maintained home is more likely to attract buyers and pass inspections, which means regular maintenance and repairs are crucial. In other words? Address any necessary repairs before listing your property in the first place!

#10 Be Patient: In a high inventory market, the reality is that it may simply take longer to sell your home. Strategy adjustments may also be needed depending on ongoing market happenings. Be patient and stay positive, and remember that our team is here to guide you every step of the way.

Get in touch with us today to schedule a free consultation to discuss your home selling goals! Call us at 202.280.2060 or email us directly at today.