
How To Sell A Tenant-Occupied Property In DC


Selling your home is always a momentous undertaking, but when you’re looking to list a tenant-occupied property, the stakes are that much higher. Whether you’re set on making moves or still weighing your options, we’ve got news: You can sell your tenanted property with success if you work with a trusted advisor well-versed in the rules — one who can help you take the right steps along the way.

Stay tuned for everything you should do when selling a tenant-occupied property in DC today!

#1 Start The Process As Early As Possible: Whenever possible, landlords should commence conversations with their tenants months (or even a year!) in advance — especially in a tenant-focused market like DC. Our advice? Approach the conversation through a cooperative lens so you can come to an agreement that works for everyone.

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#2 Consider Your Tenant’s Needs: Of course, not every tenant is going to be thrilled to learn that you would like to discuss the process of a move out sooner than they might have planned. That’s why it’s important for you to build healthy tenant/landlord relationships at every point in the process — trust us: it’ll make selling the property while they still live there FAR smoother.

Often, agreeable tenants will quickly begin looking for a new place so they don’t have to deal with showings in the meantime. However, if they do need to stay while they search, you may benefit from offering to work with them by:

  • Lowering their rent for the duration of the lease
  • Assisting with moving costs
  • Guaranteeing them enough time to find a new home first

At the end of the day, finding ways to express your appreciation for their patience makes it infinitely more likely that they’ll remain cooperative during the selling process from start to end!

#3 Think About How To Coordinate Showings: Helping buyers see your home in a favorable light is an indispensable part of the sales process — but one made complicated by other people currently living there. The antidote to your home’s current inhabitation? Planning. As a show of good faith, let your agent know that the tenant needs to be notified within a specified amount of time (at least 24 hours) before showing the property. If your tenant asks that the property not be shown at specific times, try your best to honor those requests. Keep in mind that the tenant can always be contacted if shorter notice is needed.

Craving more overarching tips on selling an investment property in the near future? Click here for 8 tips that will help.

#4 Work With An Agent Who Knows The Laws: DC is a tenant friendly town with lots of laws to protect renters — which makes it that much more critical to hire an agent who knows the TOPA landscape and can help you navigate the complexities of the system. Curious for a glimpse into some of the nuances? In The District, leases automatically switch to month-to-month, and it’s illegal to force a tenant to vacate, meaning tenants must do so voluntarily. To decide how you want to approach this nuanced type of sale, we recommend involving us early on to come up with a game plan that meets your needs and abides by the rules at the same time.

Ready to make moves this fall? Our team is just a few clicks away. Contact us directly by calling 202.280.2060 or emailing