
10 Questions To Ask Your Realtor Before Selling


Selling your home is one of life’s most notable milestones — and one you shouldn’t entrust to just anyone. But how can you know which agent is right for you? From experience to empathy, we’re here to make sure you check every box on your Realtor wish list.

Keep reading for the top questions to ask your agent before selling today!

#1 Can I see your real estate license?: This simple question ensures you’re working with a trained, accredited professional. No reputable agent will have an issue showing you proof of their license to sell in your area. If they can’t deliver, our advice is to move on!

#2 Do you have a list of referrals?: Every agent should arrive at a first meeting with referrals. If they don’t include them in their listing presentation, ask for them. Be wary if an agent can’t offer a handful of client names to call — or if they’re being cagey about why they don’t have them.

#3 When are you available?: If a great house comes on the market, how soon can they show it to you? If your buyer’s agent only works weekends and you live in a seller’s market, the house could be gone before you can even walk inside!

#4 How long have you been an agent?: If an agent has years of experience in your market, they can likely sell your home quickly. However, it’s not a deal breaker if they’re newer on the scene as long as they have stellar referrals.

#5 How do your fees work?: Listing agents work under a split commission. When the seller pays a listing agent a 6% commission, that agent typically splits it with the agent who brought the buyer to the home.

➤ Selling your home is a big decision. Read these posts next to learn more selling:

#6 Do you have XYZ in your network?: One of the benefits to working with a real estate agent is access to their vast network. If you need to make repairs but also want a speedy close, for instance, a good agent can give you the names of handy-workers. Whether you’re a buyer or a seller, you’ll likely need to enlist the help of quite a few professionals. Experienced agents should, at a minimum, be able to recommend the following: a lawyer specializing in real estate, mortgage advisor, insurance agent, handy-worker, home stager, house cleaners, and moving companies.

#7 What is the average time for which your listings are on market?: You don’t want your property sitting around on the market for any longer than it needs to be. Compare your prospective Realtors’ average market days to their competitors and make sure to question them further if the number is higher than you were expecting. Although “days on the market” can be affected by many factors (some of which are out of the Realtor’s control, such as the local market and season), higher average days on market can indicate issues with listing prices, marketing, salesmanship, negotiation skills, and more.

#8 What’s your list-to-sales ratio?: A list to price ratio compares the listing price of a home to the price at which it actually sells. For example, if a home is listed for $100,000 but sells at $95,000, the list-to-price ratio would be 95%. A good list-to-sale ratio depends a lot on the neighborhood and the current market, but ideally, it should be at least over 90%. List-to-sales ratios that fall out of this range may indicate that your Realtor isn’t very skilled at helping clients choose appropriate listing prices or that they’re falling short at the negotiating table.

#9 How many homes have you sold in this neighborhood?: The best Realtor for the job is one that knows your neighborhood well and has sold similar properties in the past, meaning they know the unique selling points of the area and how to market your property effectively.

#10 What are my home’s selling points: A good Realtor will be able to spot a house’s unique selling points almost immediately. Positioning is crucial in any sale, and you want to be confident right off the bat that your Realtor can identify and market your home’s advantages in their best light.

Are you thinking about selling your home soon? Book a consultation with our team right here to find out what it’s like to work with us.