
10 Real Estate Agent Red Flags To Look Out For


Before you find the perfect home or sell yours for the best price, the first step is to find the right agent. Although it may seem like you’re inundated with options these days, the truth is that not every licensed agent you encounter is qualified to guide you through the process with confidence and success.

The way we see it, sometimes it’s easier to hone in on what qualities not to look for in order to identify the best Realtor for you. Whether you’ve heard all the stereotypes before or aren’t sure how to spot an imposter from the start, keep reading to uncover the top 10 real estate red flags to watch out for today!

#1 Poor Communication

In a world where news travels at the speed of light (literally), if an agent is difficult to reach, unresponsive, or consistently delays in getting back to you, it’s a sure sign of disorganization and/or a lack of commitment to your real estate aspirations.

#2 Pushy Sales Tactics

Picturing an overly aggressive agent who pressures their clients into making quick decisions? Our advice is to run, not walk, in the other direction. The truth is that a good agent will prioritize your needs and goals rather than their own selfish interests – and any agent who doesn’t put their clients first is in it for the wrong reasons. At The Jenn Smira Team, our established agents operate with no pressure applied to a client’s unique timeline, instead focusing on the right moves for them and them alone.

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#3 Lack Of Knowledge

If an agent seems uninformed about the local market, zoning laws, or the details of a property, chances are, they probably are — and trust us, it’s not worth sticking around to disprove your initial impression. Conversely, a knowledgeable agent should be well-versed in the areas where they operate, and that knowledge should shine through in your communications from day 1.

#4 Promising The World

Ever heard the saying, “If it seems too good to be true, it probably is?” The world of real estate is no exception. Be wary of agents who make unrealistic promises, such as guaranteeing a specific sale price or timeline. The reality is that the real estate market can be unpredictable, and not even the best agents can control every factor at play — and those who try to pretend otherwise aren’t deserving of your trust.

#5 Inconsistent Track Record

The good news? In this day and age, it’s easier than ever to spot an imposter. By looking into an agent’s history, you’ll be able to see whether they have a lot of negative reviews, a high turnover of clients, or a lack of experience in your desired area, all of which are obvious red flags.

#6 Lack of Transparency

This just in: An agent should be transparent about all aspects of a transaction, including their fees, commissions, and any potential conflicts of interest. If they’re evasive or unclear about any of the above, why should you expect candor in any other aspect of the transaction?

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#7 High Or Hidden Fees

Do your homework — if an agent’s fees are significantly higher than the norm or if there are unexpected fees that weren’t discussed upfront, proceed with caution.

#8 Unprofessional Behavior

From being on time for appointments to dressing appropriately and behaving with decorum, professionalism is everything in real estate, a trait you unequivocally seek out in the agent you choose.

#9 Reluctance To Provide References

A trustworthy agent should have no problem providing references from past clients. If they hesitate or refuse, it’s a glaring sign that they have something to hide.

#10 Limited Availability

During your initial meetings, if you already sense that an agent is too busy or overwhelmed to give you the attention you need, it’s only fair to assume that they won’t be able to provide the level of service you deserve.

Now that you know what not to look for in an agent, we’d love to show you that there’s a better way. Get in touch with us now for a personalized experience that will restore your confidence in Realtors and your ability to find a team that always has your best interests in mind.

Buying or selling in DC? Get in touch with us directly by calling 202.280.2060 or emailing us at today!