
Is Summer A Good Time To Sell My House In DC?


Struggling to decide whether to sell or stay put this summer? While June, July, and August aren’t typically regarded as the best months to put your home on the market, the truth is, there are many upsides to listing during the sunniest season on the books.

Whether you’re set on moving soon or still making up your mind, keeping reading for the top reasons why summer is a great time to sell your DC home today!

#1 More Daylight

Longer days doesn’t just mean longer days by the pool and on the beach, it means a renewed real estate experience. Our advice? Use the extra few hours of sunlight to sell your house this year! Just think: You’ll have more time every day to take great photos for your listing, show off your curb appeal to anyone who drives by, and show your home to prospective buyers.

#2 You’ll Miss The Spring Rush

Everyone hunkers down during the winter, but warm weather sets the tone for change. While some prefer to spend every second outdoors, others want to leave their homes and start a life somewhere new. This mindset shift makes moving more appealing, even when times get tough.

Case in point? During the 2019-2020 season, the housing market saw its busiest weeks in August and September. Even while the world shut down that spring, people still wanted to find their next dream home. Selling during the summer these days means you’ll compete with fewer properties and snag a buyer sooner than later!

Looking for home selling tips that can help you get a better return? Explore these related blog posts.

#3 Facilitation Of Home Improvement Projects

Sunshine and a summer breeze make it easier to tackle outdoor projects. You could plant fresh flowers or repaint your mailbox. Many people also take care of maintenance projects, like removing rust from garage door tracks so they don’t squeak when visitors stop by. While you’re at it, why not repaint the cracks in your driveway or apply new sealant to your windows to save money on air conditioning, too?

The same thinking applies to the inside of your home. Find a new area rug, hang seasonal decor, or brush a fresh coat of paint over the walls to cover up scuff marks.

Every project makes your property more appealing and encourages people to put down a higher offer for it. They won’t have to do as many home improvement projects after moving in, and you can enjoy a nicer place to live for a bit longer.

#4 Your Yard Will Flourish

The reality is that prettier yards have more curb appeal, both in-person and online.  The good news? You’ve already weathered the many spring thunderstorms that made your flowers bloom. Now you can look forward to weeks of blue skies and sunshine. And if you water your plants often & get ahead of pests before they invade your shrubs and garden, your yard will thrive — ensnaring throngs of interested buyers with its verdant treasures.

#5 School’s Out for the Summer

Your friends might look forward to summer vacations, but many families use this break in the academic year to move. After all, it’s easier for kids to start a new school in the fall, especially if they’re moving out of state. According to residential mobility research from 2019, family accounts for 27% of moves, such as ones made by parents enrolling their kids in different school systems.

As a home seller, your real estate agent plays a big role in your success. Check out these blog posts to learn more.

#6 The Price is Right

In the summer, there is typically less inventory on the market compared to other times of the year. This means more buyers are competing for fewer homes, which can drive the price up. The reality is, people have to move for many reasons at all times of the year. Why not be the gem that they’re looking for at that exact point in time!

#7 Outdoor Enjoyment Becomes A Sales Tactic

If your house has a backyard or patio, use the summer months to inspire guests who come to tour. They can imagine themselves hosting backyard parties on your patio or taking a dip in your pool. Everyone wants to make memories at home, so showcase the many ways people can do that if they buy your property!

Ready to make moves this summer? Our team is just a few clicks away. Schedule a seller’s consultation here or call 202.280.2060.