
How To Make Your Home Smart


These days, it’s only natural for people to seek ways to make their lives easier — and homeowners are no exception. Luckily, technology has given us seemingly endless options to upgrade our existence at home while minimizing unnecessary hassle.

Whether you’re buying, building, or renovating, here are some tools you can implement today to create a smart home that works for you!

#1 A Smart Home Ecosystem: Why not opt for a central platform or hub to help you control and coordinate your smart devices? Popular options include Amazon Alexa, Google Home, or Apple HomeKit. We also advise ensuring your devices are compatible with your chosen ecosystem to ensure seamless integration!

#2 Smart Lighting: Replacing traditional bulbs with smart bulbs can help you hack that coveted biological clockwork, solve for energy efficiency, and enhance convenience. These systems can be controlled remotely through a smartphone app or voice commands. While you’re at it, consider smart light switches or plugs for existing fixtures to make them compatible with your overarching smart home system.

#3 Smart Thermostats: Whether it’s summer or winter, you always want your home to be at the perfect temperature right when you walk in the door. But you also don’t want your HVAC system to be blasting away and racking up your energy bill when you’re not home. To solve for both needs, you can now program a smart thermostat to adjust the temperature based on your schedule and preferences, so your home is comfortable whenever you need it to be.

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#4 Smart Security Systems: Invest in smart security cameras, doorbell cameras, and motion sensors to keep your home safe whether you’re asleep or away. Unlike traditional security systems that require long-term contracts, smart devices allow you to personalize your home security system and take control of monitoring your own home. Many of these devices even offer real-time monitoring, notifications, and remote access through a smartphone app!

#5 Smart Locks: The old lock and key protection system has stood the test of time, but it does have some flaws. Keys can be lost, stolen, or copied; you can lock yourself out when in a hurry; traditional locks can be picked or forced open, and your average door lock cannot tell you if it has been compromised. Our suggestion? Upgrade your traditional locks to smart locks that can be controlled via a smartphone app, which offer keyless entry and give you the ability to grant temporary access to guests.

#6 Smart Home Appliances: Opt for smart appliances like refrigerators, ovens, or washing machines that can be controlled remotely, enhance your home’s value, and often come complete with features like notifications or energy monitoring, too.

#7 Voice-Controlled Assistants: If you’re already investing in smart home technology, it’s only natural that you’d want to set up voice-activated assistants like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, or Apple’s Siri to control your smart devices using voice commands. In most cases, a digital voice assistant also audibly responds to you while helping with daily tasks and scheduling.

#8 Smart Sensors: Imagine having a home that adapts to your needs, saves energy, and keeps you safe — all with minimal effort from you. This dream can become a reality with smart home sensors installed for doors, windows, and motion. These innovative devices can detect changes in your home environment and communicate with other smart devices to automate tasks or send alerts.

Ready to list? Our team of trusted listing agents is just a few clicks away. Contact us directly by calling 202.280.2060 or email jsmira@jennsmira.com today.